Pugmarks Hosting (A Pugmarks Enterprise) has a zero tolerance policy for Spam, pornography, and warez. Any sites found to contain, promote, or link to such content are subject to immediate removal from our service.
Pugmarks Hosting (A Pugmarks Enterprise) does not review pages for content before they are posted and does not verify, endorse, or otherwise take responsibility for the content of any user-created pages. However, we reserve the right to remove any page from our servers, which we determine is violating our rules and guidelines. Users are solely responsible for all files contained in their own directory, and can be held legally liable for the contents of their Web site. If a recognized authority rules that a Pugmarks Hosting user or customer is violating trademark, copyright or any other law, Pugmarks Hosting would have a right to remove the entire website in case the cusomer does not comply immediately. No refund will be due to the client in such a case.
Pugmarks Hosting (A Pugmarks Enterprise) may terminate user accounts and delete any and all user information for conduct that Pugmarks Hosting believes is harmful to the business of Pugmarks Hosting or to any of its users or partners or on ruling of a recognised authority. Pages found violating these items may be subject to immediate deletion and removal from our servers, and their Webmasters subject to banishment from the Pugmarks Hosting network. The folloWing is a nonexclusive list of content and behaviors that are UNACCEPTABLE on Pugmarks Hosting network.
Pugmarks Hosting is not responsible for any deletion, alteration, or loss of data due to network or system outages, file corruption, accidental deletion, or any other reasons. Pugmarks Hosting makes no guarantees about server reliability, speed, or consistency, and cannot be held liable for such downtimes unless specifically covered under a written Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the client.
Pugmarks Hosting reserves the right to amend or change these guidelines at any time without notice. This Acceptable Use Policy and any disputes arising out of or related to the Service and the Pugmarks Hosting Sites shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of USA and India as applicable.
Pugmarks Hosting reserves the right to monitor Internet access to the Pugmarks Hosting services by authorized User(s)/Licensee(s), as part of the normal course of its business practice. Should FBI or any other investigating or government agency discover User(s) engaged in Prohibited Actions as outlined above, which create denial of access or impediment of service, and which adversely affect Pugmarks Hosting ‘ ability to provide services, Pugmarks Hosting reserves the right to temporarily suspend User/Licensee access to the Pugmarks Hosting Host Server and/or Database. Pugmarks Hosting shall make written/electronic notification to User or Licensee point of contact of any temporary suspension, and the cause thereof, as soon as reasonably possible. This temporary suspension will remain in effect until the Prohibited Actions have ceased or remedied.
This Agreement is made under and will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of IL USA or India, as applicable. The parties will endeavor to settle amicably by mutual discussions any disputes, differences, or claims whatsoever related to this Agreement. Failing such amicable settlement, any controversy, claim, or dispute arising under or relating to this Agreement, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, termination or breach thereof, shall finally be settled by arbitration. There will be three (3) arbitrators (the Arbitration Tribunal), the first of which will be appointed by the claimant in its notice of arbitration, the second of which will be appointed by the respondent within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the first arbitrator and the third of which will be jointly appointed by the party-appointed arbitrators within thirty (30) days thereafter. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The Arbitration Tribunal will not have the authority to award punitive damages to either party. Each party shall bear its own expenses, but the parties will share equally the expenses of the Arbitration Tribunal. This Agreement will be enforceable, and any arbitration award will be final, and judgment thereon may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitration will be held in Chandigarh, India ,as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, claims for preliminary injunctive relief, other pre-judgment remedies, and claims for Customer’s failure to pay for Services in accordance with this Agreement may be brought in a court of law over the subject matter and parties.
Shared hosting plans are for “average” use. If you need to send a “high-volume” of emails to customers at one time, or have a large email distribution list for any “Mass Mailings”, DO NOT USE YOUR ACCOUNT’S SMTP SERVER FOR THIS and/or do not attach to the email any email address.
Mass Mailing is taxing on server resources and is prohibited on Shared hosting plans.We consider a “Mass Mailing” as Newletters, Advertisements etc. (Daily,Weekly & Monthly).
Mailing lists must be double opt-in system. Users must signup and confirm their intent to opt-in before they are subscribed.
NOTE: Your individually used POP accounts and their individually sent and/or received emails have no restriction.
Violation of these bulk email terms will result in a kind notification and then, if not rectified would result in suspension of all services. If you have any queries, please contact at support@pugmarks.in
Hardware is not shared with other customers, so you get predictable performance and security, while simplifying software licensing. Support demanding applications with up to 64 Intel® processor cores and 4TB of RAM per server.
Manage your virtual infrastructure using right approach and with team of expert. Moreover you will benefit from providing services and solutions under an already established name which is referred to as "funeloo Support".
Layer on value-added services like Pugmarks Managed Security to provide deep expertise and advanced threat intelligence for help protecting your business.
Pugmarks support team is a professional queue of technical experts, who is adding value to comtomers on their day-to-day operations, moreover backend senior technical expertise, so you are always enjoying also a partnership that care about your operation.
Grow your physical compute, network, and storage capacity in timeframes measured in hours and days, rather than the weeks, months.
Integrated platform that provide for the management of public, private & hybrid cloud environment, that incorporate self-service interface, provision system images, snapshots and provide for some degree of workload optimisation through established policies.