
Cloud computing for government

Economic pressures are forcing governments to identify ways to reduce the costs and complexity of managing public services while increasing efficiency, security and transparency. To achieve this, you need cost-effective access to leading-edge systems and software, improved services and application integration, greater web-based access apps.

Scalable, on-demand cloud computing services can help government organizations focus on mission-critical objectives, while helping to reduce IT costs.

Cloud computing solutions for the government from EnterpriseCloudHosting include multiple deployment models that can offer private, community, public and hybrid cloud. Whether building a private cloud, or deploying technology as a service, (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), our cloud solutions provide the flexibility to manage your environment and go beyond cost savings by allowing your users to access the latest software and infrastructure offerings to foster innovation.

EnterpriseCloudHosting presents a suite of cloud-based solutions to help local governments and agencies manage their business processes cost effectively, through information sharing abilities, improved flexibility and security, and advanced analytics capabilities.

Our solutions feature

  • Shared services
  • Cloud computing environment
  • “Self-service” and automation
  • Information sharing
  • Proven security framework
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Desktop- as –a-Service


Dedicated Hardware

Hardware is not shared with other customers, so you get predictable performance and security, while simplifying software licensing. Support demanding applications with up to 64 Intel® processor cores and 4TB of RAM per server.

Control Without Headaches

Manage your virtual infrastructure using right approach and with team of expert. Moreover you will benefit from providing services and solutions under an already established name which is referred to as "funeloo Support".

Security and Compliance

Layer on value-added services like Pugmarks Managed Security to provide deep expertise and advanced threat intelligence for help protecting your business.

Expert Support for cloud infrastructure

Pugmarks support team is a professional queue of technical experts, who is adding value to comtomers on their day-to-day operations, moreover backend senior technical expertise, so you are always enjoying also a partnership that care about your operation.

Hardware On Demand

Grow your physical compute, network, and storage capacity in timeframes measured in hours and days, rather than the weeks, months.

Cloud Management Platform

Integrated platform that provide for the management of public, private & hybrid cloud environment, that incorporate self-service interface, provision system images, snapshots and provide for some degree of workload optimisation through established policies.

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