Design begins by developing a strong online presence that looks clean, professional and simple to use. We make it our business to understand your business and deliver solutions that fit your requirements rather than a solution that-fits-all requirement.
Our vast experience and rock-solid young and energetic team is our core strength. Our existence in this domain for last more than 13 years, by itself, puts us in the unique league of web development companies that has seen the bubble and survived through the post bubble tough times. We, as a team, have proven that ‘tough times never last but tough people do’.
It is our earnest effort to get into our clients shoes to understand their business needs so as to provide the best online solution that integrates well with their offline activities while giving them a high return on investment.
This stage guides the development team through designing a prototype and setting goals. At the end of this stage, everyone involved in the project should have a clear picture of which applications are being developed and why.
This stage guides the development team through the visual, structural, and technical design of the site. At times, this stage runs concurrently with both the Discover and Implement stages. At the end of this stage all of the tools needed for information access, security, site monitoring, content management, and issue tracking will have been designed.
This stage guides the development team through the implementation of the systems designed in the last stage. At times, this stage runs concurrently with both the Discover and Design stages. At the end of this stage all systems should be in place and the site should be ready for launch.
This stage guides the development team through many of the follow through activities that can make a huge impact on the success of the site. These activities include:
At the end of this stage, you should have a successful site and be ready to begin the Ongoing Development Process.
Any website typically has a clear role to serve site users. We have listed below some of the important parameters defining a good website.
The most critical part of any large-scale project is the project management methodology. This takes care of the task allocation, task scheduling, planning & scoping of the project, project governance techniques, Issues management, resource management, quality assurance management, evaluation of the processes and then documentation of the same.
This also details the project closure process, provides information on the strategic partnerships, staffing levels and the adaptive readiness to change. This further takes care of the preparing for change, which includes assessing impact of changes, and accepting or rejecting changes.
Our Software development services aim to bring your software products to market faster and more cost effectively than your competition. With Pugmarks as your IT development partner or your development team, you can realize your product vision.
By providing our customers with the highest-skilled teams and a world-class infrastructure, we can ensure the quality and reliability of the products we build for you. Our Customer Technology Centers support product development operations for some of the most notable companies in the world. Most software development work is performed offshore in Pugmarks’s state-of-the-art facilities located in INDIA.
Pugmarks can bring your product from concept to production or we can focus on a problem area and help you navigate the product life cycle smoothly.
Development: At Pugmarks, DESIGN and TECH work in tandem from the start. Hence a pixel-to-pixel match with proposed design is never a problem. Implementation will also consider data-load priorities for the complete development of your applications. It will also ensure that errors caused from incidental issues like bandwidth, server error, response time of server etc are reduced.
Hardware is not shared with other customers, so you get predictable performance and security, while simplifying software licensing. Support demanding applications with up to 64 Intel® processor cores and 4TB of RAM per server.
Manage your virtual infrastructure using right approach and with team of expert. Moreover you will benefit from providing services and solutions under an already established name which is referred to as "funeloo Support".
Layer on value-added services like Pugmarks Managed Security to provide deep expertise and advanced threat intelligence for help protecting your business.
Pugmarks support team is a professional queue of technical experts, who is adding value to comtomers on their day-to-day operations, moreover backend senior technical expertise, so you are always enjoying also a partnership that care about your operation.
Grow your physical compute, network, and storage capacity in timeframes measured in hours and days, rather than the weeks, months.
Integrated platform that provide for the management of public, private & hybrid cloud environment, that incorporate self-service interface, provision system images, snapshots and provide for some degree of workload optimisation through established policies.