Tier III Datacenter- STPI (Mohali)
Pugmarks believes that Customer Support is all about ‘attitude’ of the company towards its customers.
At Pugmarks we help our customers succeed. We realize that our products are an integral part of your business. This is the reason why we provide support to all our customers 24 hours a day, 365 days an year. Whether it is a basic question or complex product issue, our support services and expert technical analysts are available to effectively address your every need. To provide the best possible support services to our diverse customer base, Pugmarks addresses each customer problem according to its impact on the customer’s business operations.
Since 1996 we’ve been listening to our customers as they explore how technology can better serve their businessManaged cloud is our passion, which is why we’re constantly learning new and better ways of doing things.
Pugmarks has expertise in managed Datacenter services, Managed cloud solution, Open stack, VMware, Hyper-V, DBA Services, DC/DR Hosting & Managed colocation which is backed with Fundoo Technical Support that has helped Pugmarks build lifetime relationships with customers.
Support team at NOC has core expertise in managing all flavors of Linux (RHEL, Ubuntu, centos), Windows also all virtualization layers. Also, in managing Databases like Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, Mongo, PgSQL.
We have presence in following industry verticals education, healthcare, manufacturing, IT, entertainment & media, Travel & Tourism, Government & Ecommerce.
Hardware is not shared with other customers, so you get predictable performance and security, while simplifying software licensing. Support demanding applications with up to 64 Intel® processor cores and 4TB of RAM per server.
Manage your virtual infrastructure using right approach and with team of expert. Moreover you will benefit from providing services and solutions under an already established name which is referred to as "funeloo Support".
Layer on value-added services like Pugmarks Managed Security to provide deep expertise and advanced threat intelligence for help protecting your business.
Pugmarks support team is a professional queue of technical experts, who is adding value to comtomers on their day-to-day operations, moreover backend senior technical expertise, so you are always enjoying also a partnership that care about your operation.
Grow your physical compute, network, and storage capacity in timeframes measured in hours and days, rather than the weeks, months.
Integrated platform that provide for the management of public, private & hybrid cloud environment, that incorporate self-service interface, provision system images, snapshots and provide for some degree of workload optimisation through established policies.